Live Oak Estate Planning

Family-Centered Estate Planning

At Live Oak Estate Planning your attorney will provide personalized advice to address your family's unique needs.

Trusts and Probate, Inland Empire, LA County

Practice Areas

Estate Planning

Estate planning encompasses both planning for the distribution of your assets after your death and planning for your potential incapacity. Without an estate plan, the state of California has made a plan for you. If you want a say in who will care for your children, who will receive which of your assets, or how to be cared for in the event of incapacity, then you need an estate plan. 

Revocable Living Trust estate plans include:

  • revocable living trust
  • pour-over will 
  • financial power of attorney
  • healthcare power of attorney
  • HIPAA authorization
  • end of life decisions
  • tangible personal property memorandum

At Live Oak Estate Planning you will work directly with the attorney to develop the best estate plan based on the specific needs of you and your family. All estate plans are done on a flat fee basis. The fee is determined by the complexity of your estate. Some examples of higher complexity planning include blended families, large taxable estates, or special needs planning.

The estate planning process generally consists of 3 meetings: an initial consultation to go over your goals and needs (1-2 hours in person or virtual), a review meeting to go over the plan design and important players in your plan (30 minutes, typically a virtual meeting), and a signing meeting to review your documents in person one last time and go over instructions for funding your trust (1.5 - 2.5 hours in person).

Trust Administration

When someone dies with assets in a trust, the trust must be administered according to the rules laid out in the trust document. The successor trustee is typically the person responsible for administering the trust after the death of the trust creator. Regardless of the specifics of the trust, there are generally four categories of tasks to be performed by the successor trustee:

  1. Provide legally required notices and filings
  2. Collect, or marshall, the assets
  3. Pay outstanding valid debts and taxes
  4. distribute the assets to the named individuals according to the terms of the trust

Although having a fully funded trust does avoid the formalities and expense of probate, there are still some formalities that must be followed. Hiring an attorney to guide you through this process can provide peace of mind knowing you are performing your duty as intended. Trust administration pricing is charged at the attorney's current hourly rate of $300, with a 3 hour minimum.


If someone dies without a trust, the court supervised probate process is used to identify the deceased person's heirs, property, and valid debts. If there is a will, the court will usually appoint the executor named in the will and the assets will pass to the named beneficiaries. If there is no will, the court will appoint a friend or family member as executor and the assets will pass according to the California Probate Code. 

The probate process can be very long and involved for the surviving loved ones. It requires significant time and effort by both the executor and the probate attorney. The The California Probate Code provides a statutory fee structure for probate attorneys, equal to the amount paid to the executor:

  • 4% of the first $100,000
  • 3% of the next $100,000
  • 2% of the next $800,000
  • 1% of the next $9 million

For example a $1 million dollar estate can cost roughly $23,000 for attorney's fees plus $23,000 for the personal representative of the estate (often called the executor) plus the additional costs for filing fees, appraisals, publication fees and the like. 

Review Existing Estate Plan

Attorney review and amendment of an existing estate plan is charged at the attorney's current rate of $300 per hour. 

We are ready to help you.
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Trusts and Probate Lawyer

About Live Oak Estate Planning

Live Oak Estate Planning was established by Satkirtan (Sati) McLafferty in her hometown of Claremont. After taking a break from law to raise her two children, she decided she was ready to work outside of the house again. It was bittersweet but after having a child with a rare genetic syndrome, she knew that she wanted to help other families who have children with special needs get the planning done they need in an inclusive and flexible environment. 

Sati has estate planning experience in Colorado where she had her own law firm Carruth Law LLC for a couple years before moving to an established and well-respected boutique estate planning firm in Denver. She was there for a year before she and her husband decided to return to their roots and move back to Claremont. While it was sad to leave Denver, they were excited to live around their families again especially in anticipation of starting their own family in the near future. Prior to opening her own practice in California, Sati took numerous CA state specific continuing legal education courses in estate planning and probate to gain competence to practice here. She maintains an active license in California (335498) and an inactive license in Colorado (46910).

Sati understands how difficult getting childcare can be, so your children are welcome to join your meetings if you feel it can still be a productive time. Alternatively, we can meet virtually by Zoom if that is the better option for you on that day.